
Manganese Market Insights

We look at the macro dynamics of the manganese industry; we see more new demand coming from the high-end manufacturing and hi-tech sectors; for example, electric cars and batteries will have manganese as a component, and we want to catch up with that to produce high-end products to supply the market. For high-end products we need highend supply,

Manganese Market Overview

According to the International Manganese Institute (IMnI), about 90 per cent of global manganese is for producing steel and cast iron in form of alloys, for which no suitable substitute for the metal has yet been found. Manganese is an irreplaceable metal in steel production, serving the essential function of removing oxygen and sulphur when iron ore is converted into iron. Manganese is also used as an alloy that increases both the strength and flexibility of steel

  • As manganese demand is strongly tied to the demand for steel, it began to drop off following the recession in 2009 mainly due to a slowdown in China due to tighter environmental regulation and a weak construction sector. Between 2010 and 2014, excess Mn alloys supply has been accumulated, especially in China
  • Against this backdrop, demand for manganese in the near-to mid-term is expected to grow at a lackluster pace. Manganese prices experienced a recovery from 2016-2017
  • The global market for Manganese is projected to reach 28.2 million metric tons by 2022, driven by the rise in investments in infrastructure development projects, growing automobile production, and urbanization trends in emerging markets
  • From 2018 to 2025, global demand for the commodity is projected to start a skyrocket, driven by strong growth in new markets, including Electric Vehicles (EV), energy storage, and e-bikes
  • Using Mn can significantly bring down the manufacturing cost of lithium ion batteries which is a major factor in high cost of EV.
  • Manganese is essential in three globally important markets: fertilizer; steel manufacturing; and the battery markets
  • The need for steel will always be there, providing a steady source of demand for manganese. Despite the ups and downs of the global steel industry, the International Manganese Institute predicts the steel industry will continue to grow at 2 percent annually
  • Twinning Induced Plasticity Steel will be another “next frontier” to manganese use
  • After lithium and cobalt, investors are searching for the next commodity to deliver serious yields and manganese seems to be the next to be set to go on a bullish price
  • Manganese is the critical component of the cathode material in modern alkaline, lithium, and sodium batteries
  • Manganese is likely to remain the preferred energy material for the future.

As perspectivas para o manganês para o próximo ano são otimistas; recuperações econômicas em países como Rússia e Brasil

Ajudou a aumentar as perspectivas para a demanda global de aço, melhorando as perspectivas para o potencial enorme de mineração e minas estratégicas de mineração

Localizadas em três estados produtores diferentes e entre os mais importantes produtores amigos da mineração do Brasil, as minas da Magnum Projects podem fornecer tanto para o mercado interno quanto para o externo, dada sua localização e características da infraestrutura disponíveis Além do grau ótimo de concentração (40% Mn - algumas amostras apontam para um grau acima de 50%), as reservas inferidas apontam para um período médio de exploração das 3 minas próximas a 40 anos.


Além do baixo custo de investimento, a Magnum Mineração detém um direito de mineração de longo prazo em várias áreas atualmente que garantem a perpetuidade dos negócios.

O comprometimento dos empreendedores, o conhecimento e a habilidade de profissionais experientes. Adicione a essas habilidades uma profundo conhecimento da cultura brasileira e da mentalidade do mercado de negócios. A equipe da Magnum não poupa esforços para buscar os melhores meios e resultados para a organização, sempre.